Life Capsule for Today Date 14th June, 2023
Theme: Family Devotion (4)
Memory Verse: Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Topic: Content of a proper family devotion
Today’s Reading: Mat 7:24-25
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
Words of the Ministry:
Within the week we have learnt that our devotion as a family is like the first local Church in our homes as the family members have the opportunity to fellowship in the Lord’s name. Today I would spend some time on what the content of the family devotion should be. The content of a family devotion should be determined by the goals of the head of the family or whoever is saddled with the responsibility of organizing it. For most families, they use pre-written devotional materials while some other do a daily bible study from certain portions of the scripture to be determined by the coordinator of the meeting.
A proper family devotion should therefore include the following:
- Songs and Testimonies: The days devotional typically begins with songs of praise worship or hymns, aside from the spiritual necessity of praising God early in the day, it also awaken the members of the family especially the younger ones. Such songs should not be too long to ensure a proper and effective time management. The time for such praise and worship should be fixed by the coordinator to ensure ample time is left for other activities. The coordinator should also make room for testimonies from the members of the family, such testimonies especially as it relates to previous lessons strengthens the faith of others especially the younger saints. Questions could also be asked based on the previous lessons learnt.
- Word Study: Ample time should be given to bible reading and sharing, although I advice that the reading should not be unnecessarily long and to ensure the family member especially the children get the best from it. For families that use pre-written devotional study guides, it is advised that the co-coordinator of the meeting reads through that day’s material before the meeting so as to be sure it’s not just ideal but to ensure the content could be tailored to meet the need of the family members putting into consideration the various age groups. . The goal of word study should be the building up of our Christian faith, Christ and Christian values must be the central thought of the lessons. It must not be an avenue to condemn or coheres the audience especially the children or an avenue to gossip and condemn others rather it should be a means of showing the gospel light as guide.
- Discussion: Ample time must also be dedicated to discussing the lesson of the day, it helps to strengthen the participants understanding, practical scenarios could also be painted to ensure the family member get a practical understanding of the subject matter. In cases where there are several question beyond the allotted time, the coordinator could note them down for discussion later in the day or the next family devotion meeting. We must pay particular attention to the questions from our children as it may be the only opportunity we have to get certain information that would help us guide them better, If sensitive matters are discussed, the coordinator must be circumspect to manage it well. I also advice that the previous day lessons be referenced at this point if necessary or relating to the current one.
- Prayer: For the revelation of Scripture to find appropriate expression in our lives, we must turn it to prayer, regardless of what we have learnt; we must commit it to God in prayers. Prayer must also be made concerning the need of individuals in the meeting and for family, friend, our nation and the Church. By so doing, we are not only making our request known, we are also showing an example of a bible intercessor to our children and those attending the meeting.
I strongly believe that if this model is followed, it would really enrich the family and would build faith in our children, shalom.
Bible In One Year: Esther 8-10
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