Life Capsule for Today 11th March, 2025
Theme: The Ten Virgins (3)
Memory Verse: Rom 6:6
6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin NKJV
Topic: God’s salvation in life
Today’s Reading: Rom 8:28-30
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. NKJV
Words of the Ministry:
Yesterday, we learnt that the five wise virgins had oil in their lamps and extra oil in their vessels, we said the lamps signifies their Spirit and the oil the Holy Spirit, we also learnt that the extra oil in the vessels here represented the Holy Spirit in their soul. We said what the foolish virgins did that made them foolish was the lack of extra oil. Today I intend to comment on the need of the extra oil, the place of the Holy Spirit finding expression in our soul.
God’s intention concerning man’s salvation in eternity past was that man would be his image and like (Rom 8.29, Gen 1.26), a container to contain and express him. That’s the reason he created man a vessel (Rom 9.21-24) having a spirit, soul and body to contact the various worlds (1 Thes 5.23), i.e spiritual, psychological and physical. A good illustration is the hand and the glove, the glove is made in the likeness of the hand but only finds expression when worn by the hand. So was the destiny of man, our true purpose and expression is found when God infills our whole being, saturating our Spirit, soul and body thereby expressing his life through us (Jhn 4.24, Eph 5.18).
Unfortunately, man fell, and the three parts of man got damaged (spirit, soul and body). Sin entered into man, his spirit got deadened (Eph 2.1), became an enemy of God in the soul (Col 1.21) and the body transmuted into sinful flesh (Gen 6.3, Rom 6.12). This didn’t deter God’s original plan as he through the incarnation of Christ brought about the salvation of man for all that would believe. He through resurrection entered man’s spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b, John 20:22; 3:6) and from the spirit intends to spread to our soul and our body (Eph. 3:17). This process is called transformation (Rom. 12:2), and it requires human cooperation (Phil. 2:12). The believer cooperates by allowing the Lord to spread into his soul until all his desires, thoughts, and decisions become one with those of Christ. Finally, at Christ’s return, God will fully saturate the believer’s body with His life. This is called glorification (Phil. 3:21). Thus, instead of being empty and damaged in each part, man is filled and saturated with the life of God.
Saints, that is the essence of the new birth, to make us one with God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Do not be deceived that salvation is limited to the new birth or some physical changes in your appearance, rather is the transformation of your soul, the more we corporate with the lord, the sooner we get transformed, that is what it means to have an extra oil and that is what it means to be a wise virgin, many todays are virgins unto the Lord but are not wise because of their choices and inactions, they major on the minor not wanting to grow in life. Join us tomorrow as we consider the price for the extra oil.
Bible In One Year: Deuteronomy 29-31
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