Life Capsule for Today 12th March 2025
Theme: The Ten Virgins (4)
Memory Verse: Rom 6:6-7
6 We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. NLT
Topic: Price for the extra oil
Today’s Reading: Matt 25:5-9
5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ 7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ 9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ NIV
Words of the Ministry:
Yesterday we saw in brief, God’s salvation in life and we learnt the importance of we cooperating with the Holy Spirit to ensure he saturates our soul. Today we intend to further probe the parable of the 10 virgins and see the conditions for the extra oil in our vessels, the price each and every believer must pay to be wise. From today’s reading, we see a picture of what would eventually happen at the Lord’s return. The virgins which signify believers became drowsy and fell asleep, that, means they all died (1 Thes 4.13-16, Jhn 11.11-13). The parable is teaching us about what would happen at the end of the age before the Lord’s return, several generations of believers would have passed.
At midnight signifies the last period of this age when the lord shall return for his saints, the loud cry signifies the voice of the arch angel (1 thes 4.16). All the virgins woke up suggest the resurrection from the dead (1 Thes 4.14). Notice all the virgins arose to the voice of the arch angel and they all trimmed their lamps. To trim their lamps signifies to dealing with the testimony of their living. Keep in mind the bible said we are the light of the world and that we should let our light so shine that people may glorify our father in heaven. When you put all of these together, you realize that to trim their lamp is to deal with their living. Their testimony of how they lived their lives was to be considered and dealt with even after resurrection to be sure they were perfected before they died. For the foolish virgins, they had no extra oil in their vessels which meant they holy spirit had not saturated their soul while they lived, they were such believers that loved compromise and lived in carnality.
The five wise ones told them to go buy theirs as the testimony of our living is personal, is not group based and cannot be shared. The implication is every man for himself, no one can obtain it for another person. To buy from those that sell must be in reference to the last two witnesses which are called the sons of oil. (Rev 11.3-4, Zech 4.11-14). The implication of this passage is that to have an extra oil in your spirit, i.e to allow the Holy Spirit saturate your soul organically, a price must be paid in this life and the price includes giving up the world, denying the self and the flesh, loving the Lord above all, counting all things loss on the account of Christ. Choosing to suffer persecution for the Lord and his work and carrying the cross daily. For many saints that believe compromise is wisdom, the bible says the fear of God is wisdom and to fear God is to obediently suffer for his name sake. There is no Christian growth without suffering as suffering is the price for the extra oil, I like to close with this verse 2 Tim 3:12, 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Amen, please keep in mind our monthly Peniel meeting which comes up by last Sunday of this month.
Bible In One Year: Deuteronomy 32-34
For further fellowship send us an email on godmanvideos@gmail.comor visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.