Life Capsule for Today 9th Jan, 2025
Theme: Journeying with Jesus (5)
Topic: Forget the former things
Memory Verse for the week: Rev 22:13
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. NKJV
Today’s Reading: Phil 3.13-14
Php 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
Php 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. KJV
Words of the Ministry
From the very first day we decide to embark on the journey with Jesus to actualize our God given goals, we must forget our past. Our past is another major hindrance to our journey and our past is a master key used by the devil to limit our trust in God and our speed in life. In the scriptures, we notice that although the children of Israel left Egypt but Egypt did not leave them and that was why they spent 40 years for a 40 days journey. In situations where they were to be forward looking bearing with the immediate challenge to actualize their dream of living a fulfilled life in the promise land, their mind draws back to the food in Egypt. They couldn’t bear little suffering as their past was still ruling over them despite being free. The matter of the past stopped a whole generation of Israelites from entering the promise land, when they saw the physical size of the Canaanites, the quickly remembered they just left one lengthy period of slavery and their little mind suggested you might just end up as slaves considering the size of the occupants of this land and that led to a negative confession and finally their death.
The matter of the past is a major matter we must daily remind ourselves. The devil uses our past failures and pain as a reminder to hinder us from actualizing our God given goals, he quickly brings to mind the previous effort and how all was as a waste of time. He condemns us in our conscience to ensure we feel unworthy before God and men. Our flesh also uses our past if we don’t deny it. It uses the previous offenses from family and friend to drag us back. The flesh introduces, hate, unforgiveness, slander and bitterness, we are quickly reminded of the ills from our relatives that never helped us when we were in need. All of this is a calculated attempt to pull you down and distract you like the Israelites in the wilderness. God in Isiah 43.18-19 says we should forget the former things that he would do a new thing. In 2 Cor 5.17, the bible says you are a new creature, all things have passed away, all things have become new while in Eph 4.31-32, we are encouraged to put aside all bitterness, malice and anger and rather be kind.
Saints for us to ensure we actualize our goals this year and not lose unnecessary time wallowing in the past, we must like our text says, forget the past and reach out for the things which are ahead. Forget the negative comments, the negative opinion, the negative attitude, put aside the bitterness, anger and unforgiveness, reject that condemnation from the devil, don’t be held a captive of a negative experience. Your relationship might have failed in the past, your business, ministry or even your spouse might have let you down, do remind yourself that it’s all in your past, throw it into the bin of life and step up, look forward, trust God as you conquer your goals. May the Lord grant us light.
Bible in One Year: Genesis 25-27. For further fellowship send us an email on godmanvideos@gmail.comor visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.