Life Lessons from Saul (5)


Life Capsule for Today                                            Date 5th September, 2023

Theme: Life Lessons from Saul (5)

Memory Verse: 1Co 10:12  So let the one who thinks he is standing be careful that he does not fall. NET

Topic:  Saul Served God without True Worship

Today’s Reading: 1Sa 14:35  And Saul built an altar unto the LORD: the same was the first altar that he built unto the LORD. 

Deu 6:13  Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name

Words of the Ministry:

Today we would continue with the steps of Saul’s fall, we saw him assuming the position of a priest and how he disobeyed God to displease the people. Today i like to also comment on the kind of heart he had. We would remember from yesterday’s lesson that Samuel rebuked him and informed him that God has replaced him with a man after his heart (1 Sam 13.14). A man after the heart of God means a man that is loyal to God, a man that has the fear of God.

As we read the description of the physical look of Saul, he was described as a man who was taller than every other man in the crowd, he had an outstanding height but not an outstanding heart. His head was higher than every other person but that wasn’t necessarily the condition of his heart. In typology, we could say he had a better intellect, he stood out and stood tall but that doesn’t imply he had the right heart. We see from today’s reading that Saul never built an altar unto God several years into his rule unlike what their fathers like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did. He was a man that depended on his intelligence and not his God, little wonder he feared the people instead of God.

Our second reading emphasizes that we must fear God before we serve him, in other word, true service must be preceded by true worship and reverence to the Almighty God. We see a lot of service being rendered today in the same vain like Saul, many whose heart is not loyal to God’s word are working in God’s vineyard. Many parents want to raise proper Children without they themselves being in submission to God. Many give to the Church and to the needy but they are actually rendering lip service as their heart is far from God. Dear Saint, check with your experience, your Christianity, is it for show or a service from a heart to please God. May the Lord grant us light.

Bible in one year: Ezekiel 17-19

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