The Beatitudes (7)


Life Capsule for Today                                                  Date: 6th April, 2024

Theme:  The Beatitudes (7)

Text: John 14:23

 Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. KJV

Topic:  Blessed are the peacemakers

Memory Verse: Matt 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. KJV

Words of the Ministry

Just like the name implies, a peacemaker is someone that makes peace, calms the tide of anger and quarrels etc, the bible says such people are blessed, from God’s perspective they are happy and they have a different reward, such persons would be called the children of God. We come to see that one of the blessings of the beatitudes is tied to our outward disposition. What we do among people, when we intervene over situations and bring peace it would among other things earn us a good testimony as a child of God.  We would be looking at peacemakers from 3 levels, the first is peacemaking between ourselves and other parties, second is peacemaking between two or more parties and lastly peacemaking between God and man.    

We are called to not only live in peace with our neighbors (Rom 12.8) but to also spread peace (Heb 12.14). Many times we find ourselves in situations where we can intervene in matters and bring peaceful resolution. When two eternal parties are having disagreements, such parties could be business partners, friends, couple or neighbors. We are expected to use our position to intervene positively and not takes sides, our speech must be rich and seasoned with salt (Col 4.6). We see such happen between in-laws and couples, when a couple is having a disagreement, we see the in-laws support their own child, that is wrong. Pastors, police officers, judges also take positions either because of certain benefits they enjoy from either party or certain prejudices they previously had. We are peacemakers, we must resolve matters amicable and truthfully.

The second level of peacemaking is between two parties; a typical example is between couples. Most times we see the man saying am the head, you must come and apologies to me and the woman in turn saying am the neck and after all am not wrong in what I did, you must come and apologize. Saints of God, that is the way of the world, in the kingdom life, it doesn’t matter who is wrong or right, what matters and who enjoys the blessedness as seen in today’s verse is he that moves to make peace be it the husband or the wife. In fact what shows our level of spirituality is that we move towards peacemaking first, that shows we are children of God. Moreover, if the husband indeed loves his wife and the wife is truly submissive to the husband (Eph 5.22-23), peacemaking would come naturally. Same applies to business partners, neighbors and friends. You don’t need a third party to initiate peace as a child of God, you should initiate peace (Ps 133.1).     

The third is that of making peace between man and God. As a royal priesthood believers are meant to make peace between man and God. Man has fallen and gone the way of Cain, God expects us to preach the salvation message of Christ to this world of sin (Mar 15.15), by so doing we are making peace between man and God, reconciling man back to God.  Soul winning is an integral part of our duties, all believers are sent to evangelize and thankfully there are many ways of executing that. It could be through one on one witnessing, using tracts and other materials, social media etc. The bible says there is greater joy in heaven when one sinner is saved than a multitude gathered in a church (Luk 15.7). What is your attitude towards the unsaved, do you bother about their eternity or you don’t care what happens to them, God is counting on you and I to bring them home. 

Bible in one year: 1 Sam 17-18. For further fellowship send us an email on godmanvideos@gmail.comor visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.


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