Don’t give up (2)


Life Capsule for Today                                                                                22nd October,2024

Theme: Don’t give up (2)

Memory Verse: Gal 6:9

9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. ESV

Topic: When your peers leave you behind

Today’s Reading: James 1:2-4

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Today we would be looking at the week’s theme by attempting to answer the question many ask in their hearts, why has all my peers left me behind. This is the situation with many as the devil tries to remind you of your contemporaries, what they seem to have achieved and how far behind you are. The idea lingers in the mind of many saints to the point that they get discouraged, some use negative words to describe their situation while some other even compromise. It is an unfortunate thing that we allow the devil to have such foot hold as the bible warns us against comparing ourselves with other men 2Cor 10.12. The devil would never remind you of the woes that has befallen others or the benefits you have enjoyed in Christ, the reason is simple, to make you an ungrateful child of God. 

I like to look at a bible character from the New Testament to paint a picture of who we really are in God’s plan. The bible example is Moses, the bible says just about the time he was to be born, Pharaoh asked that all Jewish male children born about that time be killed. Moses was miraculously spared and nurtured in the palace. After a while, he lost favor again in the palace and had to flee for his dear life. Looking at the life of Moses, he never had a mate, in other words, from his birth, all these that should have been his contemporaries were dead, he was the only living male child born to a Hebrew family during his time. While one would had felt he had some comfort in the palace, making new friends and bonding future relationships that would give him an edge in life, his purpose came calling and events made him run like a fugitive from the palace, again he lost all his mates. Moses despite the glorious destiny God had for him had to suffer isolation, seeming delay in life, temporary setback and then eventually a glorious destiny.

Saints, the bible said you have been crucified with Christ, you are dead to the world and your contemporaries are dead to you, it is an error to keep comparing yourself with the unsaved. Immediately you give your life to Christ, it is no more your own, God now takes charge of your timing and purpose. Many saints said they are dead to the world but still want to live by the standard and timing of the world. Like Moses, all your mates should be dead to you, you should choose to be alone with God. You shouldn’t fall for the seeming glory of Egypt as the world and its beauty would pass away. We can be sure that our lives are secure in God’s hand so we should ensure that we corporate with God so that patience would have its complete work in us. All we need is patience as our God is not a man that he should lie, hold on to the word and don’t give up. Please join us this Sunday for our once a month physical meeting, find details below.

Bible in one year: Exodus 14-16

For further fellowship send us an email on or visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.


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