Theme: The Lord Our Shepherd (6) 29th Dec, 2023
Topic: Our Eternal Destiny
Memory Verse: John 10:11
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. NKJV
Today’s Reading: Ps 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. NKJV
Words of the Ministry:
Today we would be considering verse 6 of psalm 23, here the psalmist gave a word of assurance expressing confidence in the shepherd of his soul. He opened the verse by saying surely, goodness and mercy shall follow him all the days of his life. Considering the psalm from verse one, we see the sheep taking some deliberate steps to corporate with the shepherd, those steps had a natural consequence as David highlighted. The bible teaches God is not a man that he should lie. As we follow God’s prescription by submitting to his word, following his guidance and bearing the rod and his staff, we can be sure that our tomorrow is secure.
The psalmist further said he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. While the house of the Lord in David’s context might have been the physical temple, the house of the Lord to today’s saint is the Church (1 Cor 3.16) and that would eventually consummate into the new Jerusalem. John the apostle said those that overcome in the Church in Philadelphia, Jesus would make a pillar in the temple of God and such persons would never leave. (Rev 3.12). In Rev 21.2, the bible records the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven as a bride to her husband the Lord Jesus, here the new Jerusalem is an organic city made up of the saints our God. God would wipe away all tears and dwell with the saints forever.
Saints, it pays to live in submission to the Lord’s will. The Lord Jesus said we should seek the Kingdom and other things would be added, From the psalm we just considered. We can see an example of a man who sought the Lord and prophetically got what only God can give. When we check with our experience. The Lord is committed to our cause, our role is to trust an obey, soon and very soon, we would reach our destination. May the Lord grant us light.
Bible in One Year: Revelations 17-18
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