Life Capsule for Today Date: 7th December, 2023
Theme: Life Lessons from Samson (5)
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 1:16
16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” NIV
Topic: Samson’s Ministry and his Carnality (2)
Today’s Reading: James 4:4-5
4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”? KJV
Words of the Ministry:
Yesterday we learnt of the great and mighty deeds of Samson in ministry despite being carnal. We learnt that Samson assumed that hence he still operated the gifts of God, God was automatically pleased with him. Today we intend to look at the further fall of Samson by considering his relationship with Delilah. Delilah means either delicate or feeble. At this time, Samson fell in love with Delilah (Judg 16.4-20) and he told her the secret of his concentration. He chose Delilah over God and preferred her lap to being in the secret place. Eventually Delilah sold him out to his enemies for gold and silver. Samson not knowing his power which was tied to his Nazarene concentration had left him stood up hoping to do the usual, he shook himself expecting the move of God’s power. Unfortunately, this time the power was no more there as the hair of his concentration, the seal of his Nazarene vow had been cut off. Samson became like any other man and was captured by his enemies.
Many today romance with Delilah, they play with the delicate aspect of their walk with God, they assume certain acts of sin and carelessness is not harmful. Delilah may seem feeble and harmless but her goal is to destroy the delicate part of our concentration. Delilah would not stop until your concentration is gone. The attack from Delilah always looks harmless but her goal is to attack the delicate part of your life. The Delilah of our lives is that object of love that you prefer to God, that idol that look good and harmless, the one that makes you take sanctification for granted. It may be as simple as a carnal joke, keeping company with the opposite sex, making the opposite sex your study partner. Keeping late nights with ungodly friends, watching provocative movies or even attending parties and taking some alcoholic wine. The attack of Delilah looks feeble as it starts little by little until it overwhelms an individual.
The assault of Delilah never appears as a treat; it disguises itself as a harmless act or friendship. Delilah is not necessarily against your ministry, job, family or business, rather she is against your soul. With Delilah, ordinary things may seem good and continue to prosper but her goal is to disconnect you from God. Although Samson went astray from the day he began to eat from the dead, he was still a Nazarene until he encountered Delilah. From the account of Samson, we can see that the devil is never tired of trying and would not be satisfies with you losing your prayer or study life, he is less bothered with you forsaking meetings. His goal is to disconnect you from God, to make you lose what makes you a Nazarene. He wants you to deny God, loving the world and eventually live in Darkness like Samson who lost his eyes. Saints, Salvation is by grace through faith in the son of God (1 Jhn 5.11-12, Jhn 15.5-6), should we deny the Lord, he would deny us (Mat 10.33), watch and pray.
Bible in One Year: Thessalonians 1-5
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