Life Capsule for Today Date: 24th September 2023
Theme: Experiencing the Miraculous (1)
Text: Jer 32:27
27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? KJV
Topic: Believing the impossible
Today’s Reading: Luke 1:35
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore, also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. KJV
Words of the Ministry:
Hallelujah, this week our desire is to look at how to experience a miracle by considering some bible characters and how they experienced their unique miracles. Generally speaking, we may say every day is a miracle and the greatest miracle is salvation, but I would rather want to redefine a miracle for the purpose of our lesson. A miracle is an extraordinary and unusual event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Such events are not explainable with human reasoning and therefore must be attributed to God. As we read through the bible, we see such examples of miracles like raising the dead, multiplying bread, calming the storm, cursing and drying up a fig tree, turning water to wine, etc.
Today I want us to consider the case of Mary, the mother of Jesus the Christ. How she received an outstanding miracle still being talked about. The bible records an angel of the Lord gave her a word (Luke 1. 27-39). Here we see a young maiden Mary who was chosen among many to bring forth the messiah, outwardly she looked like every other person but it pleased God to use her as a vessel to bring forth the Son of God. The angel related the message to her, she was told she would have a child without a natural union with a man but through the power of the holy Spirit. Here we see three issues, first, it was more like a taboo to have a child before marriage in the land of Israel in those day although she was engaged. Secondly how would she explain to Joseph her husband to be that she got pregnant through the Holy Spirit and thirdly, how could she even believe that God would do such a thing seeing it has never happened in human history.
Learning from her experience, we can see how she eventually enjoyed the miracle. We would notice she kept the word to herself brooding over it, not broadcasting it to everyone until it was mature and fulfilled. Although she initially doubted but eventually believed. She was willing to bear the shame of the promise from a word that came from God. She didn’t out of fear and shame terminate the miracle but she trusted God to take care of the matters concerning Joseph her husband to be. The bible says in 1 Cor 2.10-11(please read) that what eyes have not seen, neither ear heard has God prepared for us his Children, revealing it through his Spirit to Us. God has apportioned miracles for many of us in different areas of our lives, the problem is that many doubt God, some terminate it with their tongue while others don’t nurse the miracle until delivery. Check with your experience, could it be that you doubt and terminate the miracle God has for you that came through his word, could it be that you have not been managing your tongue well or could it be that you have been lazy to play your expected role, may God grant us light.
Bible In One Year: Jonah 1-4
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