Yaweh Sabaoth (7)


Theme: Yaweh Sabaoth (7)                                                                 19th Nov.2022

Memory Verse: Jer 51:20

 You are My battle-axe and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms;

Topic: You are God’s battle axe

Today’s Reading: Mark 16:15-18

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.  17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”  NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Today we come to the conclusion of the week’s theme.  We have learnt previously that our God is the Lord of host and a man of war. We saw several examples of him engaging in battles and winning them with the instrumentality of men. We saw examples of men like David, Moses, Joshua etc, how God used their hands in the physical to win battles. We also saw miracles done by men like Elijah and Moses as the acts of God done in the physical. In the new testament, we saw Jesus, how he commanded nature, healed the sick, raised the dead etc and all was ascribed the Lord of host within him, working through him. We climaxed our learning by stating that the phenomenon of God working through man is kingdom establishment on earth, it is God’s kingdom invasion as that was the original plan of God for man in the Garden, man exercising dominion on earth while being an expansion of God’s kingdom o earth.

Yesterday we learnt that the holy spirit is in us just as he was in Jesus, we saw that Jesus retrieved from Satan what Adam lost and he gave it back to the saints (Mat 28.18). I also took some time to explain that for the kingdom of God to come is to make no room for the devil and his works, it means believers must ensure the devil and his works have no place. As we occupy several positions in our families, businesses, school, offices etc. One underlying fact we must keep in mind is that God is counting on us to extend his kingdom. His reign wherever we are and this starts from within us just as Jesus said the devil came and found nothing, we must ensure we give no place to the devil within us, the same kingdom established in us should also extended to the people around us, the places we visit and our business place.

Today’s reading is our great commission, we are to go preach the gospel of power, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devil, bringing the authority and dominion of Satan in the lives of the unsaved to an end.  God has made us weapons as our memory verse says, you have been specially formed to destroy the kingdom of darkness and nations everywhere they are found. We are to remain offensive as soldiers. Our one goal and ambition should be kingdoms expansion; we are to colonize the earth with heaven’s culture. Right where you are, you should ensure the devil does not have a foothold. Please say this to yourself audibly as loud as you can “ I am God’s battle-axe and weapons of war: For with me God would break the nation in pieces; With me, God will destroy kingdoms”. Saints, we are to exercise out authority with proper living, gospel preaching and intense prayers, may the Lord grant us light.


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