Don’t give up (4)


Life Capsule for Today                                                                                26th October,2022

Theme: Don’t give up (4)

Memory Verse: Gal 6:9

9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. ESV

Topic: God of all possibilities

Today’s Reading: Eph 3:20-21

20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Today our focus as we consider the general theme don’t give up, would be to spend some time on the topic, on the God of all possibilities. Reading through the bible, we see or God as the omnipotent God, he is indeed the all-powerful, he made all things for himself and for his glory (Col 1.16). There is no limit to the power of God. We read stories of supernatural provision, divine intervention, victory in battles, miracles, sign and wonder all tied to the omnipotence of God. Reading the bible, we get an impression of a God that does all thing whenever and however he likes especially for his children. That is the reason for today’s sharing as many see the omnipotent God as not wanting to show his might in their lives, they say but he did it before, why can’t he do it now?

I would narrow my sharing to the light we can see from today’s reading as it answer the question. One of the core matters we overlook is that God is indeed theKing and the Lord of the universe, as our God he also has a goal and at whatever point our desires clash, his purpose overrules ours because he loves us. The verse says yes God can do all things even above all we ask or even thing as our thought atimes may even be a bigger demand than what we ask, to that God is more than able but the next line says according to the power that works in us. In other words, the expectation of what we get would depend largely on the extent of power that works  within us. The power that works within us here is the Holy Spirit in us. God therefore does in us as much as he has his way in us. That is another way of saying our desires gets answered as much as we are saved organically.

May I say here that God only does things that he wants to do for his will and his glory, no man can manipulate God, not by fasting, praying, sowing or service. Our society gives the impression that with continuous activities we can change God but unfortunately what they don’t realize is that the continuous activity actually changes us. For instance, we look at someone having a need of a job, who had sought God severally in prayers (assuming its caused by an unanswered prayer), after maybe 5 years of persistent prayers and fasting, the Lord answers her prayers, such a person would think it happened because she bothered God, On the contrary, it happened because you overcame impatience, you became persistent, your faith grew despite all odd, you learnt endurance and longsuffering, you were willing to be called jobless holding unto God\s promises.

The implication of the above example is that God is working in us for his good pleasure (Phil 2.13) and he has placed his Spirit in us to bear much fruit such as love, patience, joy, longsuffering endurance etc (Gal 5.25). The more the Spirit has his way, the more God does. So while we know that our God is a God of all possibilities, we need to also realize that there is a limitation to the possibility and that is the extent to which the Lord grows and works in us. Our delayed answer may just be because the power of God working in us is too low, in other words, God has not found an expression in us in certain areas. When we do this, our God receives all the glory forever and ever, amen.

Bible in One Year: Luke 12-13

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