Theme: Life Lessons from Samson (6)


Life Capsule for Today                                                Date: 7th October, 2022

Theme: Life Lessons from Samson (6)

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 1:16

16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” NIV

Topic: Samson became a prey to his enemies

Today’s Reading: Matt 5:13

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Yesterday we saw the assault from the ministry of Delilah in the life of Samson, Delilah was his object of love that replaced his love and commitment for God. Delilah appeared harmless and fragile but it was a keg of gun powder waiting to explode. Delilah handed Samson the killer of thousands, a mighty warrior to his enemies, a onetime war general became a prey after his encounter with Delilah. That little act that you say it doesn’t matter is Delilah. It may look so fragile and ordinary but its goal is your ministry, your destiny, your purpose, vision and goals in life. Delilah has only one loyalty, her loyalty is to the grand enemy of our soul, the devil. Every Christian have a kind of Delilah after their soul, some may be women, alcohol, money, fame, power, position or pleasure. Regardless of how it is packaged, Delilah would not rest until she sees her victim say the sentence, “Oh had I Known”. One can imagine the thought of Samson immediate he realized Delilah has sold him to the enemy. It was already too late, then he would remember the warnings of God from scripture but he had to face the consequences of disobedience.

The bible records that his enemies bound him and immediately plucked his eyes (Judg 16.20-31). They changed his focus from light to darkness, they also put him in prison and brought him out at a certain time to perform to their gods. From the account of Samson, we see the devil’s attack is to take away our heavenly vision, change our focus, put us in darkness and make us labor in the prison of life. Our today’s reading says if salt has lost its flavor where can it be salted. Samson was like a salt that has lost its flavor and was trodden under the foot of men.  The value that men and women celebrate in us is as a result of the Holy Spirit within us. Should a believer renounce Christ and stop believing, he has passed from light to darkens and has automatically become a worthless salt. In a short while he would be having several experiences that shows he has left his place with the Lord. The cases of Samson is a practical example and pointer to tell us what the devil has in stock for each and every one of us. We must watch and pray, may the Lord grant us light.

Bible in One Year: Mathew 15-17

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