Life Capsule for Today Date 05/02/2025
Theme: Biblical Giving (4)
Text: Prov 11:25
25 The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. NKJV
Topic: God leading us in our giving
Today’s Reading: Rom 8:14
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. KJV
Words of the Ministry:
Amen, we have taken some time to emphasize on God’s examples of sacrifice, God’s ownership right and yesterday we looked at the kind of attitude we should have concerning giving, with the topic, giving as unto the Lord. Today I like to bring in a little caveat as a balance. While the bible encourages us to give to the saints, our family and neighbors, it is very important that we are guided by the Holy Spirit in our giving. As we reflect on the topics we have considered, we would recall that we learnt under God’s ownership right that all we have belongs to God, we are but stewards of his grace and as stewards, we must give account of the graces committed to us.
May I say here that the tree of life was not a tree of evil rather it was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2.15), by implication, the fallen nature has the ability to do what is good and bad from human perspective, living an independent life. Man without God when examined from human standards may be said to be a good person because of what man can see. God on the other hand appreciates our goodness when it its source is from the Holy Spirit and not our natural self. The Church today makes more emphasis on being a good man but the bible teaches that what God wants is a God-man, a man led by the spirit of God to do what he does regardless of whether man calls it good or bad, in other words we are not seeking a reputation or to be a celebrity trending for our good deeds rather we are on behalf of God are allocating his wealth with a consciousness of accountability.
Jesus in his humanity was called a good master by Nicodemus a Pharisees but Jesus understanding the implication of the statement and the facts that Pharisees always seek public testimony (Luk 11.43) said no one is good (Mrk 10.18) but God, in other words for a particular act to qualify as good before God, it must be initiated by God. Check with your experience, what prompts your giving, isn’t it the continuous pressure from the sermon on Sunday, the promise of 100-fold return, the opportunity to show the church that you are indeed qualified to be the men leader or the women leader or just an emotion because you feel a person needs help etc. Are you sure the money you took to your pastor wasn’t intended by God to be spent on your neighbor’s son school fees, are you sure the money you have decided to spend on that extra shoe wasn’t planned to feed the beggar at the junction?
I like using the illustration of the prodigal son (Luk 15.11-32), the account said when he went broke and hungry he returned to his father from a strange land, do imagine someone began to give him food while in a strange land, obviously he wouldn’t have returned and the person would have felt he was doing good not knowing he is fighting the will of God for the prodigal son. Saints we must be careful of natural goodness, anything that is not from the Holy Spirit is sin regardless of how men celebrate it. As a general overseer, are you sure the new building project is God’s will, are you sure the new road you want to build and name after your Church is from God. The tithes and offerings are to be accounted for before the God of the whole world, may God grant us light.
Bible in one year: Leviticus 11-13. For further fellowship send us an email on godmanvideos@gmail.comor visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.