Life Capsule for Today Date: 1st October, 2024
Theme: Financial Prosperity and Stewardship (3)
Memory Verse :Deut 8:18
18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. KJV
Topic: Financial prosperity is a warfare
Today’s Reading-Mat 16.10,19
Matt 6:10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. KJV
Matt 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.KJV
Words of the Ministry
The subject of financial prosperity has drawn several attentions in the world among believers and non-believers alike, to some it is strictly a matter of hard work, to others, it is giving, while some persons feel it’s a matter of chance. Within the week, we have been examining the subject and we began by saying financial prosperity is God’s will and that it depends not only on God but also on us. Today we intend to look at the subject further and see the role of prayers in financial prosperity. One fundamental truth I like to establish is that the devil fights against believers because he doesn’t want the will of God to be done in their lives, such will of God could be the salvation of your children, could be divine healing, could be an open door for evangelism, it could also be a financial breakthrough in your business. The bible describes believers not only as the bride of Christ but also as warriors of Christ. We need to note that to birth the will of God on earth we need to engage in spiritual warfare.
Most Christians die without fulfilling destiny because of the erroneous teaching that once a thing is the will of God, it would automatically be done, they want to be irresponsible not willing to play their role. The bible says we have been given the keys of the kingdom, with the keys we can bind and loose. For the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven, we need to pray. Note Jesus teaching on prayer said thy will be done and followed it with give us this day our daily bread. Hence God knew our daily bread why did he still pray about it. The promises of scripture are not just for us to read but to also enforce through prayers, the bible says we wrestle against principalities and power, we therefore need to put all the whole armor of God (Eph 6.12,13) and in the 19th verse, Paul requested prayers be made that he may boldly speak the word of God, note, hence its God will and Christ has died for the sins of the world, why pray again, couldn’t he just stroll in and win souls into the kingdom? So is every bible promise. We have a great role to play, in the Old Testament, God promised the Children of Israel the land of Canaan since the days of Abraham, even after serving in Egypt for over 400 years, they didn’t just stroll in, they engaged in warfare from Egypt to the wilderness and even to the promised land. While in the promised land, they still engaged in warfare, that is a type of our inheritance in Christ, the devil fights to deny us and we must engage him with the word in prayers to enjoy them.
I have seen a lot of believer quote scripture with emphasis on the tense saying it has been done in the past all they need is to just enjoy the benefits in thanksgiving, an example is Col 1:13-14For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, yes the verse is true that a historical fact and the basis on which we enforce our right when we experience the dominion of darkness in any area of our lives, the word of God is our testimony and we must use what is written to enforce what we want to experience, we must like Jesus refer to the word and effect it in prayer saying it is written.
Paul said an open door was set before him but there were many adversaries (1 Cor 16.9) so likewise is the issue of our financial prosperity, God sets his door open, but we have adversaries to contend with using the word as our testimony (Rev 12.10). Many have received a financial release from heaven, they work hard, sow seed and are skilled but are still been denied by demons because they fail to pray, engage in spiritual warfare to birth the will of God on earth. One fundamental need of the Church today is financial breakthrough and we most times don’t enjoy it because of our laziness in prayers, we talk so much about what God has done and our position in Christ but we don’t pray enough to birth it into reality.
Bible in One Year: Mathew 1-4
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