Life Lessons from Jacob (4)


Life Capsule for Today                                                   Date: 17th July, 2024

Theme:  Life Lessons from Jacob (4)

Memory Verse Mark 8:36-37

36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? KJV

Topic: Jacob’s Breaking Encounter At Peniel

Text- Jer 29:13

13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. KJV

Words of the Ministry

  Jacob eventually got free from Laban but still had the hurdles of Esau before him, his past of over 20 years was still lingering, he thought of ways out to appease his brother, but the fearful report be got bothered him.  He was told his brother was moving towards him with 400 trained men (Gen 32.6) he was frightened, he sought out plans to save his family, he finally realized he couldn’t help himself. At this point he was staring at death and facing the fear of losing all he had acquired. Jacob then remembered the God of his fathers, he now remembered the encounter of 20 years ago, in the face of death, Jacob began to pray (Gen 32.9-13). Many are stilling waiting, making plans to overcome their Esau, they still don’t want to admit like Jacob that without God they can do nothing. Many are still trying out connections and brides, its high time you come bear before the lord, he said you should come if you are tired of carry heavy load and he would give you rest (Matt 11.28).

In verse 24, the bible said Jacob was left alone, later that night, he wrestled with a man till day break, Jacob must have thought this unknown man was one of the men of his brother, the fight prolonged until the breaking of the day when the unknown man eventually conquered him, then Jacob realized he was an angel of God. The implication of this is that many of us face several battles and we tag it to witches, wizards or certain individuals but we don’t realize that its God that we are fighting, Jacob thought it was an enemy while he was fighting God, making God his enemy. Dear saint, concerning some of the challenges you are facing, are you sure it’s not the will of God and God that you are fighting that has brought several difficulties to your life, family business and ministry. When a man’s way pleases the Lord, he would make his enemies to be at peace with him (Pro 16.17), some prolonged battles are as a result of disobedience rather than the strength of the enemy.

The Bible said the man broke his thigh, he was slowed down, his strength was affected, what he put his trust in was taken away, at this point he realized, his strength could not take him further, he saw that he needed the God’s factor, then he asked for God’s blessing on realizing he was fighting God. For a turnaround, we must identify who we are fighting, Jacob then sought a blessing, and the angel asked a second time What is your name, remember his father Isaac asked same question from Jacob 20 years earlier, then he claimed he was Esau but now when asked, under the search light of God and thorough dealings he admitted am Jacob. Now we see a cunning Jacob finally agreeing he is who he is, no more pretense and that earned him the blessing. Many today won’t admit they are liars, cheats, immoral, cunning, pretenders etc and that’s why their condition won’t change, they believe they can bribe God with seeds, offerings etc. Dear saints, to have a change in your life, you must admit who you are, who are you? 

Bible in one year: Psalm 132-138

For further fellowship send us an email on or visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting, Word feast comes up every Wednesday by 5pm and Prayer Gym every Saturday by 7am while PENIEL comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, beside Living Faith Church, Opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Kubwa Abuja.


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