Life Capsule for Today Date 17th June, 2024
Theme: Stewardship of our bodies (2)
Memory Verse: 2Co 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Topic: Our bodies as God’s Temple
Today’s Reading : 1Co 3:16-17
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Words of the Ministry:
As we consider the matter of stewardship, today we would look at the first matter which is our bodies as God’s temple. The matter of our bodies being God’s temple is not a simple matter as Jesus during his earthly ministry made it known that God has chosen not to dwell in temples built by men, he terminated the old order by being God’s temple on earth and making us God’s temple through his death and resurrection, we can therefore say that by virtue of the new birth, our status has changed from being the slaves of God to the embodiment of God, God living in us and choosing us over brick and mortar and other glorious structures built by men.
In many discussions and forums, I try to emphasize to my audience that the believers are the temple of the living God and that the Church building despite the popular believe that it is the House of God really isn’t as God doesn’t live in brick and mortar but in his saints. It is therefore wrong to say the Church building is the house of God in a generic sense rather the Church building has been sanctified and made Holy by the believers. When we have a proper understanding of what God has really made us as his temple, we would be more circumspect with the way we use our bodies and the way we see ourselves. For instance, the white house in the United States or Aso Rock in Nigeria is the most secure place in their respective countries and that is because the president lives there. The situation of the believer is the same; we being the house of God makes us the most important and most secure persons on earth.
As we have seen from the memory verse above, the passage says we are not only God’s temple but that God is jealous over our bodies to the extent that anyone who defiles it, he (God) would judge. What a matter, it is therefore necessary that we must be careful not to defile what God has sanctified (1 Thess5.23 ). We have therefore seen that we are not only protected as God’s dwelling place, God is also willing to avenge all of us should anyone attempt to destroy we his temple. We also must be careful not to defile ourselves with our choices as God has said such persons would be destroyed. The matter of defilement would be considered in greater details within the week. May the Lord grant us light. Please keep in mind our once a month meeting which comes up on Sunday 30th June, 2024 by 4pm. Shalom
Bible In One Year: Job 9-12
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