Theme: Kingdom Invasion (3) 2nd January, 2023
Topic: The seeds of Abraham foreshadowing God’s intention
Memory Verse: Mat 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Today’s Reading: Exo 19:4 -6
4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.
5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
Words of the Ministry:
Yesterday we saw how Adam was given authority as the king of the earth to exercise dominion but eventually failed, we also saw the account of Noah and the account of Abraham. We said although Abraham, the father of the called race began a walk with God, we do not see a mention of Dominion in his blessing chiefly because the tree of Life which represented the life of God was not in reach since the fall of Adam. Concerning Abraham, we see something unique as God was introducing him again to his intention, the bible records that Abraham was offered bread and wine by Melchizedek (Gen 14.18) who was the king of Salem, the bread and wine was a type of the body of and blood of Christ, the life of Christ as the bible records that the life of a person is in his blood. This was a shadow of the reality as soon afterwards God changed Abram’s name to Abraham (Gen 17.5) and in Gen 17.6, God brought up the matter of Kingship which was long lost promising to bring out kings from the loins of Abraham.
God continued his work with Abraham although we still did not see the kinship in Isac and even in Esau and Jacob but In Gen 28.10-14, we see Jacob having a dream at bethel, he saw a ladder with God at the top and the angels going back and forth on it. Jacob called it the house of God (Gen 28.12), that ladder brought heaven to the earth, making the earth an extension of heaven. This is what Christ called greater things, God was beginning to introduce Jacob a son of Abraham to his original intention of making earth and extension of heaven, making heaven and earth one. Jesus as we would later see brought made that a reality as he was the fulfilment of the ladder bringing heaven on earth (Jhn 1.50-51).
God continued the journey with the descendants of Abraham until the time of the children of Israel leaving Egypt. God fulfilling his promise to Abraham sent Moses to the children of Israel in Egypt and made them a promise to make them a kingdom of Priest and here we have the first mention of the word priest and king together Exo 19.6. King and priest, we saw it in Adam and we also saw it in Melchizedek. It is almost not normal because we always have a king separate from a priest, the king having administrative dominion over the sphere while the priest having spiritual dominion. So what God actually wanted was a man who was the administrative ruler and spiritual ruler at the same time like dam was. We would notice that that never happened as they disobeyed God and God chose only the Levites to be priests, again the blessing missing and the kingship still missing. Join us tomorrow as we continue of our study concerning God intension to invade the earth through the saints.
Bible in One Year: Genesis 4-6
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