Life Capsule for Today Date: 5th November, 2023
Theme: Forgiveness (1)
Memory Verse: Matt 6:14-15
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Topic: Forgiveness is a debt
Text: Matt 6:12
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. KJV
Words of the Ministry
This week, we come to the matter of forgiveness, forgiveness happens to be one of the indicators of the new life in Christ, while many in the world can hide their unforgiveness and even brag about it, believers are admonished to forgive regardless of the reasons for the hurt. The dangers of unforgiveness are quite enormous as we would be considering within the week and it’s an unfortunate situation that many believers find themselves in that situation too. Unforgiveness is a sin that could be easily concealed within one’s heart, so it finds it easy to strive leading to malice, anger, violence, murder, slander or other forms of hatred. God hates unforgiveness and so should we.
Forgiveness is to willingly forfeit all debt and bring the balance to zero, to forfeit the right to reproach, to forfeit all expression in private and public even if the other party doesn’t acknowledge it. Forgiveness could be for others, for us or even for God not because he needs it but we need it. From the passage in Mat. 6.9-15 (please read), we would notice 3 things, the use of the word, OUR FATHER, he commented only on VERSE 12 after the prayer in verse 14 and 15 and lastly, he called trespass a debt and it’s the only act that requires us to do something for us to get same from God (Mat 6.15).
From this passage of scripture, we can therefore see that Jesus was telling us that though God is our father (vs 9), he would not overlook the place of forgiveness as he God would only forgive us as we forgive others. Note that this has nothing to do with salvation but our day to day living after being saved. God is saying here that hurt is a debt, but we must learn to forgive the debt, we must learn to overlook the debt, yes its painful and may even seem unreasonable especially when the party involved does not admit he or she is wrong. Despite the hurt and pain or the reasons we may have, God have given us the enabling power within us, the person of the Holy Spirit, all we need to do is allow him to express his love in us for that person and we would see forgiveness is easy.
Unforgiveness is a debt, is you don’t cancel the debt., your sins too would be held against you and would lead to unanswered prayers. We need to give Esau credit in this, Jacob stole his birthright and after 20 years of hurt, he still forgave him (Gen 33.4). Do you know that days act of forgiveness made an impact in the life of Joseph the son of Jacob and who knows if that’s one of the reasons he too could forgive his brothers so easily? Saints of God, you need to know that your unforgiveness is not just a debt but you send a message to those around you, many children have learnt the evil of unforgiveness from their parents, many have been poisoned in their character because they see their mother express malice, anger and insult their father all because of unforgiveness. We need to realize our life style is the epistle people read (2Cor. 3.3). Turn to Jesus today for help and may the Lord grant us light.
Bible in One Year: John 11-12
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