Life Capsule for Today Date:21st September 2023
Theme: Victory over stagnation (5)
Jer 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. NIV
Topic: Reasons for stagnation (3)
Today’s Reading: Gal 6:7-9
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. KJV
Words of the Ministry:
Today we proceed on the third reasons for stagnation, just as we have learnt that stagnation could come from God due to our attitude towards God and we mentioned a few examples like pride and unforgiveness. Yesterday we said the devil is another reason many suffer stagnation is several areas of their life. Believers due to ignorance may suffer stagnation caused by a satanic attack even till death thinking God is trying to conquer their flesh. We must get knowledge to be sure of the source and reasons for our various experiences be it good or bad. Today I would be looking at the third reason believers suffer stagnation and that is man himself.
In my estimation, I would rather say man is the major source of stagnation to himself and others. In fact, man as a reason could become the reason for other sources of stagnation. The bible makes it clear that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isi 54.17) but what about the weapons you formed against yourself. I like to make a few examples, many believers cannot manage their tongue, the troubles they face are tongue troubles Jam 3.2-5, many abort their miracles because they can’t keep their mouth, in such situation we can’t blame the devil neither can we blame God but the person with an uncontrollable tongue.
Our character towards our neighbors is another major factor and reason many believers suffer stagnation, how do you relate with the opposite sex, the elderly, your boss, the younger ones? Some, the way they manage resources like money and time is the reason for stagnation, many believers are also not truthful, you lie over every little thing, sooner than later you lose favor with everyone around you. Some like to spend beyond their means, end up being broke and indebted and when in debt they don’t like to pay back. Your yes must be yes. A man with questionable character would suffer stagnation.
Some don’t like to take any form of risk, they give excuses for every venture and end up doing nothing, some procrastinate everything till it’s too late, some believers are too pessimistic over every suggestion and opportunity. They see failure before they start and over emphasize on the reasons they can’t succeed, so does fear and unhealthy competition cause stagnation, some believers also steal at every opportunity. Saints look within and be sincere with yourself, what is the reason for your stagnation, is it God, Satan or You?
Bible in One Year: Joel 1-3
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