Theme: Seeking the kingdom of God (2) 04 Sept., 2023
Topic: The Kingdom of God as seed in our spirit
Memory Verse: Matt 6:33
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. NKJV
Today’s Reading: Matt 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. NKJV
Words of the Ministry:
Today we intend to look at one of the aspects of the kingdom of God, that is the kingdom of God as a seed of Christ in our Spirit. Yesterday we saw the Lord stating that our pursuit should be the kingdom and its righteousness. We saw the Lord chastening his audience that they shouldn’t give in to unnecessary worry and complaining but rather seek the kingdom and his righteousness. From Todays reading we see the first prerequisite to seeking the kingdom which is to be poor in the spirit. We have severally learnt from previous lessons that God is a Spirit and he dwells in the spirit of man. The intention of God as the indwelling Spirit is to spread the riches of his life from our Spirit to our soul, permeating our mind, will and emotion and then to our bodies. By this we experience the reality of the kingdom.
For us to see the kingdom, Jesus told Nicodemus that we must the born again, when we juxtapose that statement with our today’s reading, we come to the conclusion that for us to be poor in Spirit is to realize our need for the new birth, it means we have come to realize that in our natural being is nothing good neither can we get adequate help relying on our natural senses. That is the principle of depending on God and that is the first step in seeking the kingdom. It is to realize our need of God in our Spirit and him from our Spirit coordinating the affairs of our life.
Saints, to seek the kingdom therefore starts with a poor spirit that is empty of independent ideas and ways to solving the complex issues of life. Jesus told the Pharisees that the kingdom of God was in their midst (Lk 17.21) referring to himself and in Jhn 14-17-18, he told the disciples that he would come into them as the Spirit of truth, to establish the reign of God. This kingdom has a life style and that life style is what he spreads in us to replace our natural principles and upbringing. Soon as the Lord enters into our spirit and has his way, our concept of revenge, fighting for our right, not willing to let go offences, greed, lust for material gains, anxiety and quest for worldly recognition begins to get replaced with the Lord and his ways. I like to encourage those of us that have accepted the seed of the Kingdom which is the Lord in our Spirit to corporate with him so that we would grow in life accordingly and those that are not saved to give their lives to him today because by strength (human) shall no man prevail. (1 Sam 2.9b). May the Lord grant us light.
Bible in one year: Ezekiel 14-16
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