Life Capsule for Today 17th July, 2023
Theme: The Ten Virgins (2)
Memory Verse: Rom 6:6
6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin NKJV
Topic: Believers as light in this dark age
Today’s Reading: Matt 25:1-4
“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. NKJV
Words of the Ministry:
Saints, yesterday we began our lesson on the parable of the 10 virgins and we said the 10 virgins are believers. Paul referred to believers as virgins espoused to the lord (2 Cor 11.1-2). From the passage, the 10 virgins are said to take their lamps, their lamps here referred to their spirit ((Pro 20.27) and it contains the spirit of God as its oil (Rom. 8.16). The bible record that Jesus during his earthly walk was a shining light (Jhn 8.12), so likewise are we in this world. The bible says we are the light of the world (Mat 5.14-16, Phil 2.15-16). We are to shine forth the light of God from our Spirit to illuminate our world, by so doing we are bearing the testimony of God, bringing glory to his name.
The virgins went out to meet the bridegroom, the bridegroom here is the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat 9.15, Jhn 3.29) , to go out to meet him is to suggest we are bride awaiting the coming of our husband, as pilgrims we are on the move looking forward to meet our Lord. Five were wise and the others were foolish didn’t mean they were false believers or sinners as they were all virgins rather from the passage the wise ones were said to be wise because they did something the foolish didn’t do. The wise ones had an extra oil in their vessels and the foolish ones did not. The extra oil here signifies the Holy Spirit (Heb 1.9, Isi 61.1) and the vessel signifies the soul of man (Rom 9.21,23-24).
The bible teaches that man is a vessel and we have seen that the light of God shines in our Spirit but beyond that, the wise virgins also had the spirit saturating their souls. God’s intention from creation was that God would enter into man’s spirit and from his Spirit saturate the soul, filling it wholly and eventually filling the body. The saturation of the soul leads to conformity and transformation while the eventual saturation of the body leads to glorification. We can therefore say that the wise virgins allowed the Spirit of God in their Spirit to lighten their soul (their mind, will and emotion) being transformed and renewed daily. The condition of many saints today is like that of the foolish virgins, yes they are saved, the spirit of God bears witness with their spirit but the spirit of God is locked in their spirit away from their souls. They don’t allow the Holy Spirit to influence their mind, their will and their emotions. The do not have the extra oil in their vessels. Join us tomorrow as we further consider the working of the e holy spirit in our soul, amen. Shalom.
Bible in one year: Psalm 132-138
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