RAHAB: A story of divine transformation (7)


Theme: RAHAB: A story of divine transformation (7)

Memory Verse: Rom 8:29

29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. NKJV

Topic: Rahab the harlot listed in the linage  of Jesus

Today’s Reading: Matt 1:5-6

5 Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, 6 and Jesse begot David the king. NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Today we come to the conclusion on the story of Rahab and we have looked at it from the day she met the spies to her eventual deliverance when the walls of Jericho fell. I like to comment on how she became listed in the linage of our Lord Jesus Christ and the lessons it affords us. Many times we tend get so involved with our religious activities that we forget the love and grace of God. From the life of Rahab, we see the power of forgiveness and grace. Our society and denominations may feel otherwise but our God loves repentant sinners just as he loves the saved and when he forgives, he does so to the uttermost.

From Rahab’s story, we can see that no matter how bad our past is, it is not too bad for Jesus to fix once we believe. Our past may say otherwise, our family and friends may have reasons why we should not be accepted in the beloved but Jesus overrules all of that when we repent. Many like Rahab have been bound by Condemnation, Fear, Shame, Worthlessness, too many mistakes, too much regret and they feel it’s too late for change.  Today’s Rahab could have been a victim of abuse, neglect, broken home, poor upbringing or wrong choices, none of those is enough to resist the power in the blood of Jesus.

Looking closely at Rahab, we again see that not only does God forgive those with a past, he also uses them for his purposes. Many say yes, they are forgiven but can’t be used of God. Rahab story nullifies that as we see Rahab being used from the day she believed. She hid the spies, she saved her family when the walls of Jericho fell, God brought her into the linage of Jesus, she got married to Salmon, she bore a son called Boaz. Rahab brought Boaz up in godly way and he also later rescued a young Moabite woman called Ruth, he may have learnt from the life of Rahab that God forgives to the uttermost. So likewise God can use any repentant believer, God is not a man and when he forgives, he chooses to forget.  God sees beyond our past but our potentials. He uses us to fulfil his purpose in his kingdom. Our past atimes is the instrumentality Jesus uses. For instance, Rahab raised Boaz to realize that although the Moabites were outside Gods covenant, a repentant Moabite is as holy as an Israelite before God.

The bible teaches no more condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Rom 8.11), this we see in the life of Rahab. We see God changing her status from being called Rahab the prostitute to being called Rahab the wife of Salmon and the mother of Boaz. We see a transformation from a fallen woman to a chosen vessel, an immoral woman to a bride, from being a mess to a mother, from being a prostitute to progenitor of Jesus, from being a bad news to being a good news, from being a symbol of sin to a hero of faith. Dear saints, God redefines us as well, you may have been a prostitute, thief, idol worshipper etc our past is not our destiny once we believe, you must believe what the bible says about you and not what your past says. May the Lord grant us light.

. Bible in one year: Psalm 119

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