Life Capsule for Today Date: 31st May, 2023
Theme: The Temptation of Jesus (4)
Memory Verse:Matt 4:1
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.KJV
Topic: Tempted with the scriptures
Text: Matt 4:7
7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.KJV
Words of the Ministry
The bible is a glorious book and it is rich in life, we considered the first temptation of Jesus concerning food, a basic need, we saw that the devil, the tempter did the same to our first parents Adam and Eve and we also commented that his pattern has still not changed. Today we come to the second of the three temptations of Jesus. This time the devil took him to the pinnacle of the temple asking him to cast himself down, quoting psalm 91.11-12. Jesus answered that we must not tempt the Lord our God. Now we see another element of Satan’s temptation. The first was related to food, an affair of human life and hence he was defeated in that area, he progressed to the second area, which is religious, so we see the tempter using and misquoting the word to tempt the son of God.
I like us to notice that the devil knows how to navigate from various grounds, when he tries to tempt us using the natural basic needs of life and he discovers we have overcome in that area, he proceeds to a religious area, again he said if you are the son of God, prompting Jesus to prove he was the son, we saw yesterday that Jesus rather dealt with the devil as man, he wanting to prove nothing. The next temptation now was to deliberately test the word of God and consequently God, he wanted Jesus to test the word of God by acting in the flesh, to do this, he quoted the scripture out of context and Jesus again corrected him with the scriptures, we must not tempt the Lord our God.
Today many of us are in such situations, the devil tried to make you lust for some good things but failed and now he has proceeded to a higher ground, he now tempts you based on the word, he is presenting the word to you out of context to make you fall from the pinnacle of your faith. To achieve this, the devil brings in doubt, the Christian walk is a walk of faith, anytime the devil brings doubt especially when we begin to doubt the word, we fall from faith, when the devil begins to quote scriptures to us either in our mind, through a fellow believer that has made himself available or our environment to doubt what God said concerning our assurance of salvation, peace, divine protection and provision, health, children etc when we begin to doubt, it’s as though we are tempting the Lord and it has grievous consequences. Regardless of what we see, hear or feel, we must guard our loins with the belt of truth and hold fast the shield of faith (Eph 6.11-16). Many todays have left the Christian faith altogether because of this, the way of escape is to be worded. We don’t need God to prove anything to be God. We must always remember, God is sovereign and he would do as he has said.
Bible In One Year: 2 Chronicles 34-36
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