Heroes of faith (6)


Life Capsule for Today                                                Date 16th September, 2022

Theme: Heroes of faith (6)

Text: Heb 12:2

looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. NKJV

Topic: Joseph Lived his Dream

Today’s Reading: Heb 11:22

22 By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones. NKJV

Words of the Ministry:

Today we would be considering another hero of faith called Joseph who lived his dreams by faith. Joseph was the preferred son no Jacob especially because he loved his mother and he came (Joseph) after several years of waiting. The challenges in Joseph life started early in life as he lost his mother while he was still very young while she gave birth to Benjamin his younger brother. Joseph was very close to his father and that led to envy among his brothers. He also had the ability to dream dreams, and being a naïve young man, he shared his dreams with his father and brothers who after listening to the dreams that his parents and brothers would eventually bow to him, they hated him the more. They made an attempt to kill him but later decided to sell him off as a slave. As at this time, Joseph had lost his mother and his brothers took away from his father, they also collected his coat of many colors, a choice garment his father gave him but they could.t take away his faith and dreams. He was later bought by Potiphar and that was how he became resident in Egypt (Gen 37).

While he served as a slave the bible said God was with him as all he did prospered, although he was not with his father he was still with the God of his fathers in a strange land. Potiphar’s wife noticed he was a fine young man and attempted to lure him to bed but he refused and this time he also lost his freedom as he was imprisoned. While in prison he interpreted dream and that eventually brought him in contact with Pharaoh, he later lived his dream by holding unto God and he achieved more in one day following God’s route that seemed hard and rough than he could have achieved through hard work in several years. Joseph got his freedom from prison, he was elevated to be only submissive to pharaoh, he got married and became a deliverer to his family and several generations, his dream eventually came to pass and not only did his family bow to him, the whole world did when famine struck.

The life of Joseph is quite instructive, many todays would rather spend their time sharing stories of the negativity and woes in their life after losing their parents or sponsor, they forget their dream to be what God’s word has said concerning them. Many would have jumped on Potiphar’s wife offer to have immoral relationship with her saying that may be God’s way of blessing them and redeeming the years and lose their chastity. Some would be complaining and castigating God after they left Potiphar’s wife to prison again. They would ask what is the benefit of serving God self, couldn’t it have been better to cut corners. Joseph kept to his vision and dream, circumstances did not deter him from pleasing God. While they collected his coat, he lost his mother, his fatherly care, Potiphar’s house, his freedom etc, he didn’t lose his dream. Brethren, our dream is to be with the Lord someday, where there would be no more crying, suffering and pain, we are to see our current situation as a journey from Jacob’s house to prison in Egypt, very soon we would be exalted like Joseph and we would live our dreams, we must not lose our coat of many colors which is Christ our righteousness, our fathers teaching which is the word of God, our chastity to God which  using our body which is the temple of God righteously, we may be in prison today but we would be in the palace of the king of kings tomorrow.  Amen.

Bible in One Year: Daniel 4-6

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