Experiencing the Miraculous (7)


Life Capsule for Today                                                Date:30th September, 2023

Theme: Experiencing the Miraculous (7)

Text: Jer 32:27

27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? KJV

Topic:  Miracles as Children’s Bread

Today’s Reading: Heb 13:8

8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. KJV

Words of the Ministry:

Amen, this week we have considered how to experience a miracle by considering some bible characters and what they did to position them for a miracle. We started the week by looking at the account of Mary the mother of our Lord, who believed for the impossible and we saw how she kept her mouth sealed until after 9 months of fulfilment. We learnt from her that miracle atimes is a process, we need to keep our part by being consistent and keep our mouth to preserve the miracle. 

We then learnt from the account of Peter who obeyed the unreasonable, a situation where a trained fisherman took directives from the Lord who was a trained carpenter, by obeying the unreasonable instruction to fish at an odd hour, he harvested a net breaking miraculous catch of fishes. We saw from his account that with God, no protocol can’t be broken and that we must believe God regardless of what our senses say otherwise.

Blind Bartimeaus was a case of persisting for the uncommon. From his case, we learnt the beauty of persistence and why we must remain resolute regardless of the voices around us, Blind Bertimius was a lone voice, every other person including the apostles discouraged him but he persisted and eventually got his miracle, from him we learnt that the reason many don’t enjoy their miracle is because why many believe God exists, they don’t believe God rewards persistence.

Dorcas also called Tabitha was another example of God miracle power in operation. In her own case she was dead but her deeds made those around her demand for a miracle on her behalf, we learnt from her that our good deeds provoke a miracle. We also saw the power of corporate request as the saints insisted for a miracle and called on Peter, God in his mercy answered their prayers and brought Dorcas back to life.

The Canaanite woman is another wonderful example.  She reasoned with God for a turn around. When the Lord told her she wasn’t qualified for a miracle, she went on to give reasons why should have qualified, she knew the Lord and the Lord commended her faith. We saw from her account that the Lord wants us to bring our strong reasons despite knowing all things.

The last example we considered was that of a man that had to forgo traditions for a miracle. A, am who had been in the same condition for 35 years and still did not see his deliverance when he saw the Lord because he held on to traditions. We learnt from his story that God can use any means to glorify himself, he is not limited to a way, person, place or method.

We have seen from the weeks’ study that our God is the same yesterday and today, no situation is beyond him. The reason many don’t enjoy it has also been considered from the stories we studied but as a way of summary, I would like to emphasize on Heb 11:6 |6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”, many saint believe God exist but only a few realize that he would eventually reward those that diligently seek him. May the Lord grant us light.

Bible in One Year: Malachi 1-4

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