Life Capsule for Today Date 11th June, 2023
Theme: Family Devotion (1)
Memory Verse: Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Topic: Appreciation family Devotion
Today’s Reading: Mat 19:13 -15
13 Then were there brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
Mat 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 19:15 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.
Words of the Ministry:
This week we would be considering the matter of family devotion which some also call family altar. Family altar is a time set aside and dedicated to the worship of God by the family. It is mostly done early in the morning and late at night. It is a time when the family member are complete with parents and the children having the opportunity to learn and unlearn, a time to compare and contrast scriptures, their day to day experiences and a period to bring matters of importance to God in prayer.
For most families, family devotion doesn’t exist while in some, although it exists, it is more of a religious routine, it doesn’t have the spiritual reverence it should. In many homes, the father leaves the issue to the mother and children while in some home, it is a matter of choice, one person may choose to sleep while others are fellowshipping. Family devotion as we would be learning within the week is the first local assembly our children should know. It is an opportunity to train them in the way of the lord and it is a good way to start the day’s activities.
One of the challenges of our contemporary world is the matter of time and work, many couples complain that they leave home early or return very late, some say they stay far away from their work place and as a result can’t wait for devotions, so they leave the children to sort themselves out. One of the matters we must put in mind is that, if we don’t wake up to our responsibilities as parents, the devil would take the loop hole advantage, for everyone that wants an excuse for not doing a thing, you would always have an excuse, so it is therefore necessary that we work around our situations to correct some of these challenges.
Dear saints, from our reading, we can see that God has reserved the kingdom for our children, all we need to do is to guide them aright in the way of the Lord. When a child knows the Lord early in life, he/she finds it easier to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. When we neglect our children and leave them at the mercy of the world, we lose an opportunity to light a candle to lighten the next generation. Please join us within the week as we consider the matter of family devotion. Christ is our life.
Bible In One Year: Nehemiah 13
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