Life Capsule for Today Date: 22nd November 2024
Theme: Dominion over Witchcraft (6)
Text: Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. KJV
Topic: How to enjoy dominion over witchcraft (B)
Memory Verse: Phil 2:9-11
9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. KJV
Words of the Ministry:
Amen, yesterday we began considering how believers can enjoy dominion over witchcraft. This would suggest that in ignorance, a believer may suffer greatly under the power of witches and wizards. I therefore like to emphasize that the idea that devils doesn’t have power is not true, they do and not only do they have power, they also have subjects who are chiefly unbelievers and ignorant Christians, no matter how we like to paint it or mouth it, except a believer knows his right in Christ, he/she would suffer in this world like an unbeliever Gal 4.1. So yesterday, we outlined some keep points namely:
- Be wise and vigilant, 2. Exercise your authority 3. Avoid hate. Today I like to continue with the remaining points to enjoy complete victory over witchcraft. To enjoy dominion, a believer must also do the following:
- Grow in Life: As believers, if we don’t grow in life, we would continually be oppressed by the devil. To grow in life affects every sphere of our life, our character, our tongue, our love and our relationship. God wanted a man in his image and likeness in Genesis, while in that situation, thy had authority over the other creatures, every living creature feared man until the fall. So all it took for man to lose that authority and command was to disobey God, so likewise, to command authority, we must live in absolute obedience, we must live a life of total surrender to God. From today’s memory verse, the bible says Jesus was given a name that all creatures bow to but in verse eight, we read that he humbled himself and obeyed God even unto death. Our greatest weapon of victory is our life style. The Bible encourages us to put on the whole armor of God Eph 6.13-18, a careful reading would suggest that armor is Christ as he is our truth, righteousness, faith, sword etc. The devil only fears where he sees image and likeness, the number of blood of Jesus or Jesus name doesn’t make the devil fear, The sons of Sceva attempted to cast away demons in Jesus name but because they were not under the umbrella of Christ, they were cast out instead, while same demons said they knew Jesus and Paul Acts 19-11-20. Saints, witches and wizards know you, work on your life and authority would flow.
- Renew your mind: Another aspect we need to work on for absolute victory is our mind, the bible commands us to renew our mind Rom 12.2, it is the source of all that happens to us Pro 4.3, it is a battle ground 2 Cor 10.5, many spiritual attacks and loses we experience starts in the mind, many are defeated today because they meditate more on what the devil can do than what God can do, God told Joshua severally, fear not, he was commanded to mediate on the word of God and he would have good success. Joshua was to speak always what the word said. Today, many saints are more familiar with what book haram, t.v presenters, actors, actresses, politicians say more than what the word say. They sit to discuss how the devil can destroy lives but not how God can change lives. The bible warns us to meditate on things in heaven that bring glory to God Phil 4.8. Most of our thought life during the day open the or for satanic attacks at night, be watchful and prayerful.
- Pray without ceasing: Our communication channel with the Lord is an integral part in our Christian walk 1 thes 5.17, when a man goes hours days, weeks or even months without praying, such a person would certainly be open to numerous attacks. The Lord gave the Church power to loose and bound but the power is applied through prayers, the early Church gave themselves to prayer and study of the word and they could turn the world upside down. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian and would remain subject to witchcraft oppression. To live a victorious life, prayer must be our lifestyle. More prayer more power, little prayer little power and no prayer no power. Its God’s intention to do a lot in the earth but he needs the cooperation of believers to do it through prayers. If you want to make a change, turn a drought situation to a prosperous one, we must like Elijah, Jesus and Paul, pray without ceasing, may the Lord grant us understanding.
I look forward to seeing you at the November edition of Peniel, it would be a night of glory, a supernatural outpouring of the spirit as we feast on the theme: The Integrity of God’s word. Come with family and friends, come, and see Jehovah at work, shalom!
Bible in one year: Romans 10-12
For further fellowship send us an email on godmanvideos@gmail.comor visit our youtube channel: @godmanmedia. You can also interact with us by dropping your comments on our facebook page. Our physical meeting (PENIEL) comes up once a month, every last Sunday of the month from 4pm to 6.30pm at Suite A10, Ahser Office Complex, opposite Hassan Stores, Arab Road, Abuja.